If you want to avoid possible charges on your Mercedes-Benz lease return, make sure your maintenance is up to date! Ensure any service lights on your car are taken care of before bringing your vehicle in. You can leave the outside of your car as is, but please ensure that the inside has been cleaned as much as possible
Understanding how to return a leased car is one thing. Avoiding fees and charges is another. Whether you are over or under your allotted mileage, make note.
Everything that came with your vehicle—from owner’s manuals to accessories—need to come back with the vehicle that’s being dropped off. If all of these items are not returned, we may need to deduct this amount from your lease return. This is to ensure the next driver has all the right equipment needed.
Check your vehicle for any additional damages that could cost you some money. Although normal wear is covered under your lease agreement, excess wear and tear—including worn-out tires—may result in additional charges. If you have questions about what to look for, contact us today. Once you’ve completed your inspection, contact our financing team to start the Mercedes-Benz lease return process.
You’ve got the basics, but you might still have questions about what to expect. How do you return a leased car with as little difficulty as possible? Keep the following tips in mind:
If you still have questions about how to return a leased car, just reach out to one of our team members and get the answers you need today! We’re here to help, even if you started your Mercedes-Benz lease at another dealership in Stamford or New Canaan.